War Profiteering
Protecting our freedom or feeding an insatiable greed, for more money?
Leader’s in military expenditure: USA 528 Billion, UK 59 Billion
Leader’s in military exports: USA 7454 units, Russia 4588 units It isn't hard to start a war if you have the proper funds and imagination! (2009)
There Can Only Be One!?! - Jesse Dickeson
In 1859 Darwin's book On the Origin of Species established evolution, Survival of the fittest and Sexual selection and some people could not handle such information and became more like animals with horns that butted heads over females.
Information in the wrong hands can have disastrous results. Perhaps when the masses stopped believing that animals where Gods creatures put on Earth for the human race and started believing that they where merely things to an end, animals became expendable. Soon after Darwin's theory, WWI took place & 37 million died, then WWII 60 million. This was also the first time the human race systematically exterminated its own kind on a large scale. Perhaps all this was just growing pains or perhaps bad omens of something worse to come.
Who Controls? - Jesse Dickeson
Zina Saunders
Protestgraphics 01

Estrada Courts Murals
BsAs (Argentina)
Reichstag building in Berlin was constructed to house the
Reichstag, the first parliament of the German Empire. It was opened in 1894 and housed the
Reichstag until 1933, when it was severely damaged in a fire supposedly set by Dutch communist
Marinus van
der Lubbe, who was later beheaded for the crime. That verdict has been a subject of controversy over the years. The National Socialist German Workers Party used this event as
casus belli to begin a purge of traitors in Berlin and to ban the Communist Party of Germany. Now I don't particularly believe that Bush had anything to do with the 91,1 due to the fact that the war is costing America more money then they could ever earn back from oil...... unless of course, they miss calculated the cost and the rewards of the conflict. Interesting, though probably a misguided theory none the less.

F. Roberts for News

Devareaux In this day and age with all the different varieties of contraceptives their is really very little excuse to have an abortion. If a women needs an abortion it is a sign of stupidity. Unless of course she has been raped
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